Based on a Dream on October 22, 2019

Archipelago appeared
Two thin islands stretched on the North tip
of a sacred remote lake
The land was sky blue upon Prussian blue
Savory sorrel, nettles and wild sage all grew on this inlet that was once harvested
Now forgotten.

Lady of the Lake
whom lived in the water said;
“Something far more sacred lived upon these sandbars…”
This lovely one seemed to resemble my mother as I recalled her from many years ago.
She was composed of water, blood and bones.
I witnessed her in a timeless slumber, The Sacred Witness.
A pumice gray ribcage
formed around her, spiraling, like a wrapped chrysalis.
I was told the Lady sleeps in a dreamlike perpetual state
like Shiva reviewing all the stories of the past, present and a future so far away it seems
She is assisting us to Remember.

Deep in the waterways
Everywhere we walk
Forming us
Our Ancestors Bones
Our Ancestors Stories
wanting us to
The Lady said;
“Go to the sacred places, walk upon the land.
Touch the waters.
See what dreamtime brings you.
Gather what is rightfully yours.”
Hushed silence reverberated in the air
Water colliding
Falling into unconsciousness
Melodic waves
She said no more.
I was left with the
Water and the Bones.