Sapience is a noun meaning wisdom, sagacity, or great wisdom. It can also refer to the ability to apply knowledge, experience, understanding, or common sense and insight. Synonyms of sapience include: Discernment, Insight, Perception, Perceptiveness, Sagaciousness, Sagacity, and Sageness. — AI Overview
As reality makers of Earth, human beings control and make reality on Earth by using our nifty ability of thinking. We learned how to think to better our odds at the survival game, and thinking proved to be a really good strategy in surviving a little bit longer. But, human beings have become muddled in too much thinking that has less and less to do with the real world we were born into and more and more to do with man’s made up things, ideas, and man’s games of survival.
It is not turning out so well for us… at least not the majority of people living on Earth now who are artificially suppressed and to work our entire lives as wage slaves producing more profit and power for the top few who control the means of production or have amassed ridiculous amounts of money.
It is a gam that has led us all down the path of fate where we are collectively giving in to our ignorance, greed, hate, and rage.
Rich or poor, powerful or weak, old or young, ignorant or wise… every single living human is being impacted by wars, climate change, economic and political crises. It is only going to get worse… unless, we take stock and reassess how we use our precious light of consciousness.
This is what Sapience: The Moment Is Now is about. It is about right now in 2024 when we are choosing whether we go faster over the cliff of existence to meet our fate, which are the rocks of ignorance that are waiting below for us… or whether we slow down, even stop for a moment, and perhaps, we might even choose a different way forward… a harder way… but one that will save life on Earth and humanity.
Sapience: The Moment Is Now by D. Mann is available now on Amazon.
What will you choose? Fate…. or Destiny…